The "Dominion" documentary and why people stop eating meat

Last week two friends invited me to the screening of Dominion , an Australian documentary about the exploitation of non-human animals at the hands of humans representing several different industries. The screening took place in Nau Bostik , a former factory and today a cultural centre in the neighbourhood of La Sagrera in Barcelona. It had been years since I watched another similar film with such explicit images, the famous Earthlings , but when I arrived at the Nau I was completely unaware of this similarity. What made me feel slightly suspicious of a deeply disturbing content was one of the organisers who distributed tissues in case anyone felt like crying. Later I discovered that many of us actually needed them... The film shows images mostly from Australian farms, however, having seen numerous documentaries and videos from multiple countries, I can safely assure you that the extreme cruelty filmed by the activists is not from isolated cases in a single country. Dominion is divi...