Update on my (slow) progress with Hindi

I’ve been in India for almost three months now and I often get asked by my friends if I have improved my Hindi. My hindi-speaking friends from Mumbai and North India are especially interested in my progress and I always reply with the same basic phrase “ Mujhe thodi hindi ati hai ” (“I know a little hindi''). I’m not adventurous enough to continue the conversations in Hindi itself but I have made some progress for sure. Let me tell you a bit about some of the challenges I am facing and how I make use of the language. To begin with I must clarify that my Indian family is Bengali and therefore their first language is Bangla , spoken mostly in the Indian state of West Bengal and in Bangladesh with around 300 million native speakers. Bengali is thus a very important language so… why am I studying Hindi instead? That’s a question I’ve been asked by someone in my family, which was a joke but might have had an undertone of reproach beneath it. I promise I will take up Bengali as soon ...